• Mamit District at a Glance (as per 2011 census):
  • About Mamit :
  • Area & Topography :
  • Climate:
  • Major Crops:
  • Administrative setup:
  • Infrastructure :
  • Banking Facilities:
  • Industrial Scenario:
  • Schools and Colleges:
  • Medical Services:

  • Area : 3062.75 Sq.Km.
  • Location

Longitude : 92o17oE and 92o40oE

Latitude : 23o17oN and 24o15oN

  • No. of Sub-Division : 3
  • No. of RD.Blocks : 3
  • No. of Villages : 91
  • No. of Town : 2 (Mamit and Zawlnuam)
  • Population (Total) : 85757
  • Density of population : 28 P/Sq.Km.
  • No. Of BPL Families : 8274
  • No. Of BPL Population : 33096
  • No. of Households : 17,701
  • % of Minority : 42.10%
  • % of workers under Agriculture : 87.50%
  • Average annual rainfall : 2662.07mm
  • Length of International border : 50 Kms along the Bangladesh border.
  • Literacy rate : 85.96%
Electoral data : Male : 20365

Female: 29350

Total : 59715
  • Mamit Town Population : Male: 4623
    Total: 9413
  • Zawlnuam Town Population : Male: 2487
    Female: 2473

Male : 44567

Female : 41190


Mamit District with its headquarters at Mamit was etched out from the erstwhile Aizawl District under Mizoram. The new District started functioning from the 24th April, 1998 which was the date when the first Deputy Commissioner assumed Office.

Pic: Mamit town

Mamit District is situated in the western part of Mizoram. It is separated from Aizawl by the river Tlawng which flows in the south-north direction and empties itself to the river Barak of Cachar District of Assam. It is a land locked District and is bound by Tripura on the West, Assam on the North, Kolasib and Aizawl on the East and Lunglei on the South. The total geographical area of the District is 3025.75 sq.km. It falls in the agro climatic zone of temperate zone. The important rivers flowing in the District are Tlawng, Tut, Langkaih, Khawthlangtuipui, Teirei and Mar.

The entire District is covered by hilly terrain as well as some plain areas and is part of the western extension of the system that links up with the ranges of Nagaland and Manipur in the north and Chin Hills of Myanmar in the east and ramifies from the sub-Himalayan Patkoi-Arakan Ranges. The terrains are criss-crossed by valleys and deep gorges where the rivers wend their ways to constitute its river system. About three fourth of the area of the District is drained by the north flowing rivers such as Tlawng, Tut, Teirei and Langkaih rivers where as one fourth of the area is drained by the south flowing rivers of Khawthlangtuipui and Mar rivers.

As the region falls within the sub-tropical rain forest region, the vegetation of the District falls into four categories as under:-

(i) Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests

(ii) Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forests

(iii) Sub-Tropical Pine-Forests

(iv) Sub-Tropical Broad Leaved Hill Forests

With its fertile soil and plentiful rain, the vegetation is an admixture of species which ranges from bamboos and canes to fuel woods and timber species -which, with proper management could be exploited on commercial basis. Raising plantation commercially viable species such as Teak, Red oil Palm and Betel nut are of vital importance, other species such as Pine and Eucalyptus etc. are also adopted on a smaller scale.

The District is under the influence of Sub-Tropical Monsoon and the climate is tempered to a great extent by the altitude of its terrain and therefore is pleasant and not subjected to extremes. According to the classification of the Department of Environment & Forest, Govt. of Mizoram, the year is characterized by four distinct seasons:

1. Summer - March to May

2. Rainy season - June to August

3. Autumn - September to October

4. Winter - November to February

The temperature varies between 10o to 34o Celsius in between winter and summer. The District receives abundant rainfall with an average of 2662 mm. It is heaviest during the month of June, July and August. The winter is normally cold and dry.

Soil is fertile and l8% of the net cropped area is having irrigation facility. Major crops production, which is paddy, in the District takes place during the Kharif season. In Rabbi season Mustard, Cabbage, Radish, Carrot, Tomato, Potato, Pulses are grown. The District is famous for Oranges and Hatkora fruits. The vegetation is an admixture of species which ranges from bamboos and canes to fuel woods and timber species. The major allied activity in the District is Animal Husbandry (Piggery and Poultry).

The Dy. Commissioner heads the District Administration. He is responsible for maintenance of law and order and for all developmental programmes. Mamit is the Headquarters of the District. There are 3 Sub-Divisions (Civil) namely, Mamit, West Phaileng and Kawrthah. There are also 3(three) Rural Development Blocks headed by Block Development Officers, namely Reiek, West Phaileng and Zawlnuam. The population of the District as per Census 2011 (Provisional), is as follows:-


No. of Villages


No. of Household





West Phaileng












Pic : DC Mamit Office Complex

  • Roadways:

Road transport is the major medium of transport. The District headquarters of Mamit is connected to the State Capital Aizawl by a State Highway which is 112 Kms long. There is an ongoing construction of extending and widening of this highway upto Tripura so as to make it an interstate highway. Due to the difficult terrain, many villages are not yet linked by black-topped roads. However, construction of new roads and widening of existing ones are constantly underway by the BRTF and PWD.

(b) Post & Telegraph :

Despite the efforts made by the concerned authority, the postal service in this part of the region suffers from certain inherent weakness due to the topographical and climatic condition. There are 5 Telephone Exchanges in the District located at Reiek, West Phaileng, Kawrthah, Zawlnuam and Mamit. Mobile telephone services are available in major part of the District except for a few peripheral villages.

Mamit Sub-Post Office was set up in 1982. There are 7 branch offices in Mamit District at Dampui, Kawrtethawveng, Kawrthah, North Sabual, Rengdil, Serhmun and Tuidam. Services such as Ordinary and registered mails, parcel post, speed post and
E-money facilities for sending instant money to various places are handled by the Post Office.

(c) Power & Electricity :

Mamit District is no different from other parts of the State in power supply. Of the entire population, the number of household electrified is shown below block-wise:

(2011 Census)


No. of Household

No. of Household electrified




West Phaileng









Thus percentage of electrification of households stands at 71.8%.

The District is served by three Commercial Banks, with branch network as shown below:

Name of Bank

No. of Branches







On an average, there is one bank branch for every 8629.7 persons in the District.

The District has no industries to boast of due to lack of infrastructure. Agriculture as mentioned before is the mainstay of the entire population of the District with a few exceptions, i.e., some persons are engaged in Govt. and semi-Govt. services. However, the proposed extension of Aizawl - Mamit Inter-State Highway upto Tripura, once completed, is expected to boost trade activities along the route.

The statistical break-up of educational facility in the District is as follows:



Higher Secondary

High School

Middle School

Primary School







W. Phaileng


















The District has 1 Hospital to boast of with several Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres situated at various villages. The block-wise distribution of PHCs is indicated below:


No. of villages


No. of PHCs/Others





West Phaileng














Mamit Power Division was created in September 2001. There are 3(three) Sub-Division:

  • Mamit Power Sub-Division
  • W. Phaileng Power Sub-Division
  • Zawlnuam Power Sub-Division

The power supply is maintained throughout the District through 4 nos of 33/11kV Sub-stations i.e

  • Mamit Sub-Station
  • Zamuang Sub-Station
  • Rawpuichhip Sub-Station and
  • W. Phaileng Sub-Station

Works completed:

During the current financial year, the following deposit works are completed:

  • Power supply to District Jail,Mamit
  • Power supply to PHE Pump house,Teirei
  • Power supply to PHE Pump house,Zawlnuam
  • Power supply to District Jail water Supply
  • Project of Curve improvement of NH-44A between Sairang to Lengpui was taken up costing Rs 4.268 Crores and work is in progress. Payment of Rs 2.30 crores has been already made.

State Plan Works sanctioned in 2014-2015: Administrative approval and expenditure sanction of the following two works have been received on 30th March 2015 as such the fund allotted is kept in Deposit for utilization during the current financial year:

  • Realignment of 11kV line between Chungtlang to W Lungdar beside PWD road for smooth maintenance.
  • Realignment of 11kV line between Tuahzawl and Rulpuihlim beside PWD road for smooth maintenance.

Centrally sponsored schemes:

  • For complete electrification of villages, works are completed in the 78 villages covered under RGGVY and another 11 villages are covered under Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY).
  • DPR for Construction of 132kV Single Circuit Transmission line between Bairabi and West Phaileng via Mamit including 132kV Sub Station at Mamit was submitted to NEC with NOC from Forest Dept. and is included in the priority list.
  • DPR for upgradation of 33kV W. Phaileng Sub-Station to 132 kV level is already approved by NEC under NERPSIP and the work will be executed by PGCIL.
  • Construction of 132 kV line from W.Phaileng to Marpara with 132kV Sub Station at Marpara under NERPSIP is also sanctioned by NEC for execution by PGCIL. Once this line and Sub-Station are completed alongwith 132kV line between Marpara and Lungsen, we can have a 132 kV Ring System in the western part of Mizoram which will help improve reliability in power supply in Mamit District.
  • National Rural Drinking Water Programme:
  • Under SPA : Works at Mamit,Zawlnuam and Zamuang Water Supply Scheme are under progress and is due to be completed in a short time.
  • Under NLCPR: West Phaileng Water Supply Scheme is under progress and is completed upto 94.02%.
  • Under NBA:

Water supply scheme at Chhippui/Kawnmawi and North Sabual are completed while works at Darlak and Kawrthah water supply scheme are under progress and are near completion. New scheme are coming up at Chuhvel and Mualthuam villages.

  • Construction of Sanitary Complex at Govt Higher Secondary School, Mamit is completed.
  • Community Sanitary Complex at West Phaileng is completed.
  • Public Toilet cum bathroom at Mausen Lui near Mamit is completed.
  • Public Bath toilet at Nalzawl is completed.
  • Individual Household Latrine(IHHL) of 79 household families in 7 villages, viz., Bawlte, Reiek, Lallen, Khawhnai, Phaizau, Rawpuichhip and Suarhliap are being constructed and are at a completion stage. Upon completion, these 7 villages will be entitled to ODF(Open Defecation Free) status.

Proposed work:

  • Under 10% lumpsum under DONER: Zawlnuam Water Supply Scheme amounting to Rs 524 Lakhs and Technical Appraisal from CPHEEO, Delhi is awaited.
  • Under Western Belt: Water Supply Schemes for Damdiai, Khanthuam, Thaidawr, New Eden, Bunghmun, Kolalian, Thinghlun, Dampa Zodin Pukzing and 78 nos. of Traditional Water Points in 31 villages are being proposed.


i) Widening of NH-44A to 2-Lane Realignment and Geometric improvement:

One of the biggest project undertook within the District, which could completely altered the face of the District has been the widening of NH-44A to 2-Lane. This NH-44A starts from Sairang zero point (km. 164 on NH-54) and reach Langkaih River (Mizoram –Tripura border) km. 130 and then connects NH-44 at Tripura. The total length of the project as per design is 103.618 Km, out of which the Contractor has executed formation cutting for a length of 35.50 kms. The MORTH has approved Revised Cost Estimate amounting to Rs 713.50 Crores on 2nd January 2015.

ii) Construction of High level pre-stressed concrete bridge over river Tut at Km 51 on NH-44A:

For replacement of existing weak Bailey Bridge of 109.75 metre span constructed in the year 1979, this project has been taken up by the Government to the tune of Rs 10.79 Crores, with M/S Tantia Construction Ltd., Kolkata chosen as the contractor and agreement was signed on 17/7/2009. Initially the project is to be completed within two years, but due to various circumstances, it has been extended to 25/7/2015. Presently, physical progress is about 70% and works equivalent to Rs 5.22 Crores have been completed which is 48.37%.

Due to unavoidable change in design of the foundation and price escalation, Revised Cost Estimate amounting to Rs 20.09 Crores has been submitted to the Ministry on January 2013 and RCE approval being awaited.

iii) Construction of High level pre-stressed concrete bridge over river Tlawng at Km 5/200 on Nh-44A :

For replacement of existing weak Bailey bridge of 200 feet, this project costing Rs 6.99 crores has been initiated by the Government and agreement was signed with M/S Tantia Construction Ltd., Kolkata on 17.07.2009. Though initially the project is designed to be completed within two years but was extended upto 01/4/2014.

As on today, all foundation works upto substructures (2 piers and 2 abutments) are completed but the foundation of Pier (P1) at Sairang side needs re-examination due to cavity below the foundation. For this reason, the work is temporarily discontinued and is expected to be expedited soon by engaging specialized consultant. Works equivalent to Rs 0.86 Crores have been completed and Ministry of road Transport & highways released Rs 0.72 Crores which is 10.30% of the agreement amount i.e. Rs 10.79 Crores.

iv) Construction of KDZKT road: Construction of Khadacherra-Damcherra-Zamuang-Kawrthah-Tuilutkawn (KDZKT) road is now undergoing connecting Mamit District with neighbouring state Tripura.


  • MGNREGS: 20369 Job card have been issued and in the current year 34 days of work or 6.907 lakh mandays have already been achieved under MGNREGS. The low achievement status can be mainly attributed to the shortfall of fund received and the change in funding pattern.
  • Border Area Development Programme(BADP): During the year 2014-2015 the total fund allocation for West Phaileng RD block was Rs 199 Lakhs, with Rs 139.5 Lakhs being released. Out of 32 works, 22 works have been started, with 4 of them already completed. Under Zawlnuam RD Block, development works like construction of community hall, playground, water tank and other infrastructural development works were taken up.
  • Indira Awas Yojana(IAY) : 36 houses have already been constructed from a sum of Rs 27 lakhs received as first installment from the Central Govt.

  • SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT (District Child Protection Unit)

During 2015-2016,the following works have been undertaken within Mamit District by implementing Multi Sectoral Development Programme (CSS), funded by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India:-

  • Anganwadi centre -35 Nos. (32 Nos. to be constructed)
  • Girls Hostels - 2 Nos. (1 No. to be constructed)
  • Health Sub-Centre – 3 Nos. ( 2 Nos. to be constructed)
  • Water Supply Schemes – 1 No. (3 Nos. to be constructed)
  • Primary Health Centre – 1 No.
  • ITI – 1 No.
  • Extension of school building – 7 Nos. (7 Nos. to be constructed)

Development works under RMSA, Mamit District:

Construction of new school building is being undertaken at Serhmun, Dapchhuah, Pukzing, W Phulpui, Saithah, Nghalchawm, Suarhliap, Lungphun and is yet to be started at Saikhawthlir. 1st Phase of Total literacy Drive is set to take off at Damdiai, Nalzawl, Bawngva, Sotapa, Thaidawr, Vawngawnzo, Mualthuam, Darlak, Dilzawl and Bunghmun.

12 new schools had been constructed in the District since its inception.Construction of new school building is being undertaken at Serhmun, Dapchhuah, Pukzing, W Phulpui, Saithah, Nghalchawm, Suarhliap, Lungphun and Saikhawthlir.

19 quarters for lady teachers have been constructed and 2 are still under construction.

1st Phase of Total Literacy Drive is set to take off at Damdiai, Nalzawl, Bawngva, Sotapa, Thaidawr, Vawngawnzo, Mualthuam, Darlak, Dilzawl and Bunghmun.

SSA Mamit:

Uniform grant is given to 7765 boys and 6822 girls at the rate of Rs 400/- per person. Free text book provided to 10213 students in Mizo medium and 4790 students in English medium.Residential hostel to accommodate 100 girls and 50 boys are taken care off

Special Training:

Non Residential Special Training Centre are being set up at Khanthuam, Lokhisury, and Mualthuam with 189 students.

Residential Special Training Centre is being set up at Kanhmun with 24 students and 12 Special trainer are provided to schools with inadequate strength.

From the 297 schools,10310 Primary school students and 6621 Middle School students are provided Mid day meal

Under the Thirteenth Finance Commission Grant, Performance Grant of 2014-2015, 26 villages were selected for installation of solar street light in cooperation with Zoram Energy Development (ZEDA). 5 Solar Streetlight are installed in the said 26 villages at the subsidized rate of Rs. 4,500/- each. The remaining 59 villages within the District are targeted for the next installation.

A sum of Rs 34, 69,500/- have been granted to 85 Village Councils within the District under TFC performance grant for solar streetlight. The streetlight will be supplied and installed by ZEDA and all necessary payments have already been deposited to them.

The 2nd instalment of TFC Performance grant 2012-13 amounting to Rs 1,46,82,000 have been granted for the 85 Village Council in Mamit District. This grant will be utilised for Stone masonry steps, Retaining wall, detain B/M flooring, pavement etc.

Under NABARD Private Rubber Plantation covering 300 Ha is being developed and maintained. viz Mamit SC Range -150 Ha, Zawlnuam SC Range - 100 Ha and W. Phaileng SC Range - 50 Ha.

Under RKVY a centrally sponsored scheme watershed base works has been undertaken at Sairilzo (Lengpui), Diltlang (Kawrtethawveng) and Chengmatawk (W. Bunghmun).

IWMP: This project has been implemented to cover three villages.

Cash assistance of Rs 50,000/- each were given to 59 beneficiaries under National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB).

Under RKVY 260 qtls of fish supplements are sold at 75 % subsidized rate and 10 lacs fry are being prepared to be distributed. A total of Rs 22.5 lakhs were given to 46 fish farmers under Fish Farmers Development Agency (FFDA) for construction of fish pond, and a total of Rs 17.68 lakhs to 188 fish farmers for repair and strengthening of fish pond.

There are 1820 fish farmers within the District, and the total area of fish pond in 950 Ha with a total production of 10,300 qtls worth a price value of Rs 175 lakhs in the last financial year i.e 2014-15.

Financial aid @ Rs 50,000 were given to 59 families by the National Fisheries Development Board.

Under RKVY scheme 260 qts at 75% subsidy have been given to fish farmers.
Under the Fisherman Welfare Scheme, 56 families were given a grant of Rs 30,000 for building a Fisherman House.30 lakh fish seed were provided free of cost to fish farmers.

Under NMSA,Rs 18.75 lakh were distributed to 70 families for Fishery Based Farming System.

Oil Palm : Mamit District is the largest producer of oil palm in Mizoram in the last financial year i.e. 2014-2015 with the total production of 1088.17MT. Cultivation of oil palm is undertaken under National Mission on Oil Palm (NMOOP) with a funding pattern of 75:25 (Central:State) and NLUP. For the current financial year, 800Ha. for extension of cultivating area and 100 Ha. for gap filling is targeted.

Under NMOOP, 5 link road viz. Borai-Muilai Oil Palm cluster 1km, Zawlnuam Borai (completed), Damparengpui-Sesih zau Oil Palm cluster area 3km, Damparengpui (completed), Phuldungsei-Mar Phai Oil Palm zau 5km, Phuldungsei (on-going), Lallen - Oil Palm Cluster area 1km, Lallen (on-going) and Zalte zau- Tuinghaleng Oil Palm Cluster Area 3Km, W. Phaileng (on-going) are being constructed to ease the sale of oil palm produced.

Land Development (WRC-I & WRC-II) : Land Development by Machineries is done under Rastriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY) in the last financial year. WRC-I - works were taken up in Tuirum, Saikhawthlir, Darlak, Saithah, Lallen, Suarhliap with a total area of 55Ha. WRC-II : works were taken up in the villages of Mamit, Bawngva, with the total area of 25Ha.

Oil Palm

  • Seedling distributed for 351.67 Ha -50,289 Nos.
  • Production of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) -1797.25 MT

The Divisional Horticulture Office is situated at Tuidam Village.

The main schemes under MIDH for 2015-16 are:

Sl No

Name of scheme



AES of M.Orange



AES of Papaya



AES of Papaya


Sericulture Department has nurtured 27.2 Acres of Mulberry/Muga Seed Farm and 10.7Acres of Govt. Eri Seed Farm at Lengpui. It has taken up works under MGNREGA, Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) and RKVY with 336 beneficiaries in Mulberry Sector and 75 beneficiaries in Muga sector. Darlung, Kanghmun and its surrounding villages have great potential in sericulture; each beneficiary is calculated to have produced more than 4qtls of cocoon per year. Govt. Eri Seed Farm, Lengpui has produced 8000 cocoon per year which is supplied to farmers within the State.

NERTPS: This is a centrally sponsored project that stands for North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme. There are 50 nos. of farmers under this project where assistance were provided to 50 nos of farmers. Farmers were given exposure through site visits and also undergone technical trainings.

CDP: There are 50 nos of farmers under this programme. 40 of them are under mulberry sector and the remaining 10 are under muga sector.

RKVY: During the year 2014-15 38 nos. of farmers were selected from various villages of Mamit District to start their work for their employment in sericulture like planting of food plants for rearing silkworms.

There are 11,393 beneficiaries under NLUP and 8 Departments are undertaking NLUP within the District. Five villages namely Zamuang, Hriphaw, Bungthuam, Rengdil and Suarhliap are declared as Jhum cultivation free villages.

Rubber, Coffee and Broom Trade are taken up by this Soil & Water Conservation Department with 913 beneficiaries and the amount of cash assistance given to date is Rs.623,18,760/-.

There are 117 beneficiaries under Sericulture Department, 1st Phase and 2nd Phase is completed while 3rd and 4th Phase is in progress. The total Cash assistance already given out was Rs. 39,21,590/- (Thirty Nine lakhs twenty one thousand five hundred ninety).

There are 5 trade under Horticulture Department with 1122 beneficiaries in the 1st Phase and all works were completed. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Phase are in progress. Beneficiaries who have selected Pineapple trade have already earned profits.

Under Industries Department 1st and 2nd Phase were completed, 3rd and 4th Phase is an ongoing process where 1st installment is already given.

Bamboo Trade is undertaken by E&F Dept. with 61 beneficiaries in the 1st Phase, 71 beneficiaries in the 2nd Phase, 13 beneficiaries each in the 3rd and 4th Phase. 1st and 2nd Phase were completed while 3rd and 4th Phase is still an ongoing process with cash assistance of Rs.22,536 given to each beneficiary.

There are 610 NLUP beneficiaries under Fisheries Department, Mamit District.

Regular training are conducted for Police personnel at Mamit for effective implementation of their skills and carrying out their duties.

Construction has been completed for Kawrthah Police Station,Marpara Police Station and Zawlnuam OP building,they will be utilized in a short while.


As the District Jail in Mamit is still not functioning, it has created a huge problem as convict have to be brought to Central Jail/District Jail, Aizawl .

There are 10 Border Outpost under 4th IR within the District with 175 staff personnel, 42 personnel in 4 police stations and 7 personnel in SBI Mamit. Regular foot patrolling, picketing and ambush lay are regularly conducted throughout the year. Regular inspection of BOPs and personnel attached at Police station is done regularly by a gazetted officer.

There are 63 personnel who have completed training from the State Disaster Response Force who can be mobilized when a disaster occur.


  • The internal link road of 846 metres within the battalion headquarter is of gravel and proposal had already been prepared by EE,PWD Mamit.
  • Installation of 250kVa/0.433kV transformer at Bn Hqrs.

There is a District Hospital located at Mamit, one Community Health Centre and 7 Primary Health Centre, 6 clinics and Thirty three Sub-Centres in the District.

a)NHM: The following activities are achieved under NHM :-

  • RCH:
  • 3rd Phase: 262 beneficiaries – Rs 27,10,000
  • 4th Phase: 125 beneficiaries – Rs 20,050,000

ANC register – 908

Total Delivery – 546

Live Birth – 544

Health Institution delivery – 370 (68%)

Home delivery (32%)

ii)Family Planning:

No. Of tubectomy -21

Copper T insertion -59

Condom distributed – 6362

OCP distributed – 2584

Infant death -12

IMR- 22

MMR -368

b)Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme

Total No. Of blood examined -18624

Total malaria cases – 4822

Annual blood examination rate – 23.33%

Annual parasitic index – 60.4%

Total deaths – 6

As malaria incidence is high in Mamit District,Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLIN) is proposed to be distributed in every household based on family members.

The District Hospital in Mamit caters to the needs of the people within the District, and the following cases are recorded in the District Hospital within the year:-

No. of out Patient registered : 12507

No. of in Patient registered : 1349

No. of casualty : 145

No. of delivery : 169

No. of major operation : 50

No. of minor operation : 152

No. of Emergency operation (Major) : 17

No. of Emergency operation (Minor) : 39

No. of Laboratory Investigation : 2091

No. of X ray : 442

Health programme: The following programme are carried out at District Hospital, Mamit: T.B,OST,ICTC,RMNCH,ART

The following are greatly needed at District Hospital Mamit:-

  • General Surgeon
  • Paediatrician
  • Staff nurse
  • Endoscope
  • Ultrasound
  • X ray machine (300mA)

The District Transport Office is situated at DC Mamit Office Complex under a District Transport Officer. Registration of vehicles, issuing of licences and renewals within the District are done through this office.

Achievement in the current year:

Revenue : Rs 18,33,694/-

Vehicles registered : 211

Driving licence :

  • New - 262
  • Renewal - 247
  • Additional - 71
  • Duplicate -127
  • NOC - 157

The Office of the Assistant Settlement Officer is at Mamit ,the following achievement are met within the current year:-

Cadastral House site LSC issued – 58 Nos

Agri Land Non-Cadastral LSC Garden issued – 3 Nos

Ownership transfer of LSC – 49 Nos

LSC alteration – 2 Nos

Tax Deposited –Rs 22,98,216/-

Non-tax Deposited - Rs 4,68,142/-

Registration fee -Rs 4,57,937/-

Stamp duty -Rs 43,775/-

Total -Rs32,68,070/-

TDPS(Targeted Public Distribution System) has been implemented successfully as per allocation received from the Government. Besides, Rice, Kerosene oil and wheat products have also been distributed under this system.

Free ration have been provided to the 244 self-repatriated Bru families as per allocation received from the Government.

Preparation has been made to implement the Food Security Act under NFSA from March 2016. 15 technical assistants are engaged for this exercise and so far the following achievements have been made:

Name of Form

No. of Person selected

No. of House Holder/

Ration Card Selected

Form ‘A’



Form ‘B’



Form ‘C’



Mamit District is now fully prepared to implement NFSA.

Under NULM Self Employment scheme ,final preparation is now undergoing to give loans to BPL families under several schemes such as piggery, petty trade, furniture workshop, tailoring, tea stall, hair cutting, beauty parlour, automobile repair and shoe repairing. 3(three) Groups have also been selected for financing loans under this scheme. Training under Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) have been conducted for these beneficiaries.

Under Social Mobilization & Infrastructure Development (SM&ID) the following actions have been taken:

  • 13 Self Help Group have been formed and all necessary steps are being carried out to make it a success.
  • Under the Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH), Shelter Home Mamit have been provided Solar lighting set Blankets have also been distributed to the poor and needy.
  • Under Support to Urban Street Vendor(SUV), preparations are now undergoing to regularize the system in Mamit, and steps are taken to create a permanent vending zone.
  • Under Employment through Skill training and Placement (EST&P) skill training in driving, tailoring, carpentry, beauty parlour, automobile repair, computer software, photography and videography were conducted.

The much awaited construction of Treasury office building began in January 2015. Construction is expected to be completed shortly in the coming months.

As per on-going programme of Finance Department, computerization of Treasury began in May 2015 and is looking after 48 Departments (DDO) District.

Necessary actions have been taken for successful implementation of E-payment programme to be launched in the near future.

Implementation of RKVY in different trade:-

The following beneficiaries are given their component under RKVY:-

Pig breeding stock – 236 nos;

Pig Multiploication scheme – 15 nos of family;

Pig feed subsidy – Out of Rs 20.00 lakhs,Rs 7.2 lakhs had been
disbursed at 10% per Kg subsidy;

Poultry development -12 nos of family;

Backyard goat farming –13 nos of family;

Maize cultivation – 8 nos. of family;

Maintenance of poultry farming: During the current year the established poultry farm is well-maintained providing fresh egg 1800 nos, of egg per month and from the sell of cull birds revenue were collected. Rs 15000 from the sale of eggs and Rs 45000 from sale of cullbirds are collected per month.

The Department continuously treated domestic animals in the government dispensary as well as outside. The average animals treated are as follows:






6800 nos.

1280 nos.

3284 nos.

4620 nos.

16954 nos.

In order to prevent prevailing diseases like ranikhet disease, food and mouth disease, canine distemper and others, the Department is making continuous schedule for vaccination against the mentioned disease.

The IPRO moved into the newly constructed building on 1st September 2015.

Achievements made by the Government within the district are made public for the awareness of the public. In 2015, 182 nos of press release are published.

It was involved in the documentation of the 6th and 7th batch Bru repatriation. Interviews were conducted to successful beneficiaries of NLUP and televised in DDK.

Mamit Forest Division covers an area of 1787,83 Sq km consisting of 6 forest ranges namely – Mamit Forest Range, Rawpuichhip Forest Range, Lengpui Forest Range, Kanghmun Forest Range, Marpara Forest Range and Saithah Forest Range.

Afforestation: The following afforestation programmes were implemented in all ranges:

National Afforestation Programme(NAP): It is implemented through Village Forest Development Committee(VFDC). There are 21 VFDCs implementing this programme. The area covered under this programme during current year is 250Ha, and maintenance of older plantation is taken up for 865 Ha.

National Bamboo Mission(NBM): Plantation of various species of bamboos were created under this scheme. The total area of plantation of bamboo is 50 Ha.

Plantation under 13th Finance Commission Grant: The Division takes up plantation over an area of 1775 Ha.

Revenue: Rs13,94,752/- as forest revenue during the current year has been collected.

The Sub Divisional Industries Office is at Mamit and the following schemes are undertaken:-

PMEGP: 18 Beneficiaries were given loan under this scheme through banks.

Under NLUP following activities took place:

  • 2nd Phase : 2 beneficiaries – Rs 2,05,000

Issue of NAC & Birth Certificate: The Office has issued a total of 1646 number of NAC and 315 nos. of birth certificate during 2015.

Preparation of village profile: The preparation of village profile have been undertaken by collecting information on Village population, area, sanitary condition, educational level etc covering 91 village within Mamit District.

The District Child Protection Unit Mamit started functioning in the year 2012. It coordinates and implements all child rights and protection activities within the District. CWC and JJB are located in the premises.

Institutional Care:

  • Shelter Home: Shelter Home CPD/ICPS, Mamit was established on 1st May 2012. It is located at Lungsir, Mamit and functions with 10 staff. Total capacity of the home at present is 16 children (8 girls, 8 boys).
  • Observation Home: Proposal for Observation Home was submitted at the start of the year which was approved and steps have been taken to ensure that an adequate observation home can function as soon as possible.

Non- Institutional Care:

During April- November 2015, 79 children are sponsored under the sponsorship programme programme and 3 under the Foster Care .Under this programme ,each child receive Rs 1000/- per month. The sponsored children were especially from low socio-economic family,and the sponsorship mainly focused on the improvement of Education and medical care.

Children Welfare Committee(CWC):

The CWC, Mamit received 129 cases (Children in need of care and protection) during April to November 2015, including 18 cases of neglected children, 4 cases of emotionally abused and 6 cases of sexually abused.

Juvenile Justice Board (JJB):

JJB Mamit received 29 cases during April-November 2015, out of which majority are charged with rape cases. The Committee functions under the Principal Magistrate Mamit. Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU): It was set up in the District on March 16, 2010 and established in the following Police stations:

  • Mamit Police Station.
  • W Phaileng Police Station.
  • Kanhmun Police Station.
  • Marpara Police Station.
  • Kawrthah Police Station.
  • Zawlnuam Outpost.

Child Development Project Officer are posted at West Phaileng,Reiek and Zawlnuam.

DIET Mamit was started as Mini DIET under the Ministry of Human Resource Development by the State Government and was made a full fledged DIET in December 2013.

Short course/refresher course training has been conducted to teachers within the District. Training has been conducted at different subjects and also on how to nurture students and conduct a progressive classroom atmosphere. Adolescence education has also been taught to the trainees.

Action research field has been conducted by the faculty in various fields and educational survey is conducted at all schools and personal data of their teachers are also collected.

Short course training is also given to Pre-school teachers, training are conducted on how to cater to the needs and looking after children below the age of 6. Preschool guide book is prepared for distribution within the District at free of cost and also mobile training are conducted.

Library: A library was set up at 2006, Library books are properly maintained and properly organized. They are of great help and resource for the faculties and in-service D.Ed trainees.

The library management is computerised and bar coded library card facility is enabled. Major local newspapers, national newspapers and journals are subscribed by the library.

Govt Mamit College was started in the year 1983 and is now under a Principal, 22 Teaching Staff and 8 non teaching staff with a total of 99 students. IGNOU Special Study Centre has been taken up by the College with several numbers of students.

Computer training class were conducted at the College in collaboration with NIELIT.

Training: Computer application training was conducted for Public Health Engineering (PHE) and Local Administration Department (LAD).

Digital India Week was observed in July, and the District Portal was launched for providing information to the public. Workshops for E-awareness were conducted at schools and colleges during the Digital India Week.

Online application for Tribal certificate, Income Certificate and Residential Certificate can be done through the District Portal.

Mamit District was selected as one of the best performing 74 districts out of 683 districts in India on the Observance of Digital Week in 2016 by the Ministry of Telecommunication.

NIC Mamit District Unit acted as District Compute Centre and gives services to state for E-Governance systems.

Some of the tasks carried out by NIC Mamit are:

  • Coordinating and assisting the Deputy Commissioner: NIC extend help to the District authority in accessing and collection of data in projects related to IDRN, NDAL etc.
  • Professional Initiative: NIC takes initiative of updating the official website of Mamit. NIC District Centre is set up as a Video Conference Studio to host meeting between various departments.
  • Election: During the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assembly Election NIC took a major role, NIC services is used for randomization of Polling officials, Electronic Voting Machines and counting personnel.


  • TELECOMMUNICATION: There are 5 Telephone Exchanges in Mamit District, of which the exchanges in Mamit and Reiek are the only proper functioning exchanges and that also with huge irregularity. Even though we are now living in the Digital age, the reach of basic internet connectivity to the people within the district is probably one of the lowest in the State. Mobile/cellular phone connectivity is also still very poor with many villages without any connectivity. This has caused numerous problems in the administration of the District, law and order issue and services to the public.
  • JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA (JNV) : JNV was established at Mamit in 2008. The construction of the permanent site at Mamit is undergoing and may need 2 or more years for completion. The construction has faced some problem as it has been halted several times due to dispute with the previous land owners. JNV has been functioning in Mamit by using the buildings of Deputy Commissioner Mamit for its classroom. At the same time, the building of the Local market at Mamit Hmar Veng is used for the Hostel and administrative building. The local community has time and again raised the issue to the District administration that the main building for local market cannot be used for its intended purpose which has created several problems for the local community. The Building is occupied under leased from trade and Commerce Department and the agreement will expire on June 2016. In view of this construction of JNV building needs to be speeded up.

The biggest hurdle faced by the District in carrying out developmental works has been communication problem. Inland road system is the only means of transportation but the prevailing road condition has been appalling.

  • Construction/Widening of NH-44A:Progress of work for the eagerly awaited 2-Lane widening of NH-44A running from Sairang Zero Point reaching Langkaih River(Mizoram –Tripura boundary) spanning 104 Kms- which is hope to solve much of the District connectivity problem- has been too slow for comfort and left much to be desire. The project completion time, after extension was 17/7/2015 while presently formation cutting of only 43 Kms out of 104 Kms has been completed so far.
  • Bridge over Tlawng River at Lengpui: The Bailey bridge over Tlawng River at Lengpui is one of the most frequently traversed bridges which connect not only Mamit District but also Lengpui airport with Aizawl. Due to the limited load bearing capacity of the Bailey bridge, the bridge has collapsed several times in the past. Construction of permanent bridge structure will therefore be a more permanent solution as the project has already been underway but the work is temporarily discontinued as the foundation of Pier (P1) at Sairang side needs re-examination due to cavity below the foundation.
  • Construction of bridge over Tlawng River at Bairabi: The construction of the bridge over Tlawng River near Bairabi is now undergoing. This bridge will connect Mamit District with Kolasib district and provide a major lifeline to the District and therefore completion of the construction before the onset of monsoon will greatly benefit the people of the District.
  • Condition of Bailey Bridges within Mamit District: Most of the Bailey bridges within the District are more than 20 years old and are now in a very bad condition and heavy vehicles can no longer ply on these bridges due to their current state. Replacement of the existing bridges with new parts or construction of permanent RCC bridges in their place is a necessity for efficient and safe transportation of goods and people.
  • General condition of internal roads: Moreover, majority of village internal roads are fair-weather road and connectivity during Monsoon Season has always been a worry for the inhabitants especially those in the remote and outlying areas.

Pic : Construction of the bridge over Tlawng river at Bairabi

The private telecom operators have not set up their mobile phone tower bases in the remote areas within the District. As such many of the bordering villages have very bad telecommunication connectivity. The setting up of mobile phone towers by Service providers viz BSNL, Airtel, Vodafone and Aircel in this area would enhance the smooth flow of communication between the District and the rest of the State.

Pic: Ongoing construction of JNV Mamit campus

  • DISTRICT JAIL: The Construction of the District Jail building, Staff quarters, electrification and water supply is now completed but not yet utilized. The Jail could accommodate 313 inmates (221 male and 92 female). As the District Jail in Mamit is still not functioning, it has created a huge problem in law and order issue as convicts have to be brought to Central Jail/District Jail, Aizawl. This has caused unnecessary delay in the judicial proceedings and delivery of Justice in the District.
  • BRU ISSUES : The process of repatriation of the Bru displaced families in Tripura have been undertaken by DC Mamit for 7 batches. During the latest repatriation attempt from June to August 2015 , the Government officials from Mizoram were sent to all the Bru Relief Camps in Tripura for identification of the Bru families who are willing to be repatriated. Nobody turned up for identification during this exercise and the Bru leaders have submitted unreasonable demands to the State Government. It is believed that any future attempt will be a futile exercise with opposition from the Bru community leaders in Tripura.
  • DC OFFICE: The office building and staff quarters of DC Mamit are in a dilapidated condition and need new construction and repair.
  • POWER SUPPLY: Erratic power supply has been no doubt the defining feature of any part of the State. However, Mamit District is baffled with another problem which is the occurrence of frequent line faults causing the entire District to be blackout for weeks. There are 4 nos. of 33kV Sub-Stations in the District, all of which pass through thick forest and line faults are common due to fall of trees, branches, bamboos, etc, especially when there is heavy rain and wind. In order to solve this problem, better understanding and co-ordination between Power & Electricity Department and Environment & Forest Department at the highest level need to be worked out to avoid frequent interruptions.

Pic: District Jail Mamit

The official vehicles owned by the office are now very old with huge maintenance and running cost. 5 of its vehicles are being considered for condemnation and will require immediate replacement. Mamit District with its large area and bad road conditions cannot be efficiently administered by the District administration due to the current state of affairs. However, there is no fund for purchase of vehicles unless the finance Department allocated additional fund for the same.